Maria Zacharia, Developer in Bengaluru, India
Maria is available for hire
Hire Maria

Maria Zacharia

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Node.js Full-stack Developer

Bengaluru, India
Toptal Member Since
December 1, 2021

Maria是一名高级全栈软件工程师,在构建高度可扩展的应用程序方面拥有深厚的专业知识. 她拥有使用众多AWS服务的经验,并且是使用AWS Lambda构建完全无服务器应用程序的专家. 至于前端,她是用Angular构建漂亮ui的专家. Maria是一个干净的代码倡导者,熟练地编写高质量的结构化代码.


Ztadium games LLC
DigitalOcean, Node.js, MySQL, React, Docker, Back-end Architecture, JavaScript...
Node.js、TypeScript、PostgreSQL、Jest、AWS Lambda、Terraform、Serverless...
Hire the Author
Angular, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Node.js, TypeScript, Stripe API...




Preferred Environment

无服务器架构,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Angular,亚马逊DynamoDB, Node.. js, AWS Lambda, TypeScript, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL

The most amazing...

...我使用AWS Lambda构建了一个高度可扩展且可靠的无服务器webhook发送器服务, SQS, and TypeScript.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer (Node.js and MySQL)

2022 - 2022
Ztadium games LLC
  • Dockerized the back-end Node.. js应用程序,并在DigitalOcean Apps平台上设置部署, making it easy to scale the application based on load.
  • 为查询优化添加必要的DB索引,并使用Knex设置数据库迁移.js.
  • 指导现有团队进行后端开发和部署流程,并生成所有必要的文档以供将来参考.
  • 帮助客户修复基于react前端的关键客户问题. 此外,还修复了与后端连接池相关的问题.
Technologies: DigitalOcean, Node.js, MySQL, React, Docker, Back-end Architecture, JavaScript, Postman, Technical Leadership, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

Back-end Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • 使用AWS Lambda实现了一个基于事务发件箱模式的可靠稳定的webhook消息传递系统, SQS, Node.js, and TypeScript.
  • 建立了一个支付处理系统,使用Node接受慈善捐赠.js and TypeScript. 提交了多个技术提案,并与Adyen集成处理付款.
  • 带领团队从AWS中的手动基础设施管理转向使用Terraform完成自动化.
  • Built multiple features, 包括2FA和定制的托管解决方案,以便更轻松地与企业进行产品集成.
  • 确保端到端测试涵盖了所有功能, using Jest, preventing potential bugs and downtime.
Technologies: Node.js、TypeScript、PostgreSQL、Jest、AWS Lambda、Terraform、Serverless, Back-end, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Back-end Development, APIs, Relational Database Services (RDS), DevOps, CI/CD Pipelines, NoSQL, Stripe, Stripe Connect, REST APIs, Git, AWS CloudFormation, API Integration, Agile, Adyen Payments, Software Design, Lambda Functions, Back-end Architecture, API Gateways, AWS Cloud Development, Amazon DynamoDB, JavaScript, Serverless Framework, Postman, Jira, Technical Leadership, Microservices Architecture, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Pagination, Lambda Architecture

Co-founder | CTO

2020 - 2021
Hire the Author
  • 设计并开发了一个基于无服务器架构的高可扩展后端系统,使用Node提供超过15个微服务.js. 使用无服务器框架部署主要的AWS服务,如Lambda、DynamoDB、SQS和Cognito.
  • 使用API网关Websockets实现了一个高度可扩展的无服务器聊天系统, DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and SQS.
  • 集成多个第三方服务,如Stripe支付, Amplitude for analytics, and Google Maps API for location suggestions.
  • 基于Angular开发了一个响应式前端web应用. 遵循Angular简洁的架构来实现高度结构化的代码库. Created UX designs using Figma.
  • 与大量客户进行互动,并根据客户反馈采取行动,以改善用户体验.
Technologies: Angular, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Node.js, TypeScript, Stripe API, Google Maps API, Amplitude, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon CloudFront CDN, Figma, Serverless Framework, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Back-end Development, APIs, Bootstrap, DevOps, NoSQL, Stripe, Stripe Connect, REST APIs, GraphQL, Git, GitHub, Full-stack, Front-end, WebSockets, AWS CloudFormation, Front-end Development, Responsive UI, API Integration, HTML, Webpack, Full-stack Development, Serverless Architecture, Google Sheets, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Software Design, Serverless, Lambda Functions, Back-end Architecture, API Gateways, AWS Cloud Development, Amazon Cognito, JavaScript, Postman, Jira, Technical Leadership, Microservices Architecture, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Pagination, CTO, Lambda Architecture

Applications Engineer

2018 - 2020
  • Developed a notepad web component for adding, labeling, and collaborating notes inside a service request application.
  • 构建一个后端自定义日志程序,用于使用Node收集和过滤客户端日志.js. 构建一个web组件,通过在固定的时间间隔内发送日志来与后端交互.
  • 制作一个后端应用程序来获取与服务请求对象相关的活动提要. 支持基于提要类型和基于关键字的提要记录过滤和分页.
  • 创建web组件来组成消息并显示消息线程. 开发了一个通用组件来处理服务请求上下文中的多种消息类型.
  • Developed dynamic UI components, 高度可定制的web组件,使用元数据文件在运行时呈现UI. 集成了动态表单和表组件,支持可扩展性特性.
技术:Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET), JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, SQL, Docker, APIs, MySQL, React, Relational Database Services (RDS), NoSQL, REST APIs, Git, Java, Full-stack, Front-end, Front-end Development, Responsive UI, HTML, Agile, Full-stack Development, TypeScript, User Interface (UI), Postman, Jira, Technical Leadership, Pagination

Monetization Platform for Content Creators
Hire the Author是一个创作者通过1-1电话销售时间的平台, chat subscriptions, and QnAs. 我是联合创始人兼首席技术官,负责开发前端和后端应用程序. 前端是基于Angular的,后端是基于Node的.js. 后端是完全无服务器的,使用AWS Lambda和DynamoDB. Both the front end and back end were deployed on AWS. 该应用程序还集成了多个第三方api,如Stripe, the Places API, Amplitude, etc.

Remote Serverless
A Next.基于js的服务器端呈现web应用程序,用于提供无服务器相关服务和资源. 我开发了后台和前端应用程序,还负责部署.

Tech stack used:
Front end: React, Next.js, Bootstrap, MUI
Back end: Node.js, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Serverless Framework
Deployment: AWS Amplify

Scan and Book Bike


开发了这个网页应用程序,通过上传车牌图像来预订摩托车. Won second place in the Bounce hackathon for this project

Automated Insurance Payment System




TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, GraphQL, Java


Angular,无服务器框架,Oracle JavaScript扩展工具包(JET), Express.js, Bootstrap, Jest, Next.js, Material UI


Node.js, Stripe API, React, REST APIs, Google Maps API, Stripe, Stripe Connect, Azure Computer Vision API, Amazon Rekognition, AWS Amplify


Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), Git, AWS CloudFormation, Postman, Jira, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Cognito, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Figma, Terraform, GitHub, Webpack, Adyen Payments, Google Sheets, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Google Analytics


Serverless Architecture, REST, DevOps, Back-end Architecture, Lambda Architecture, Agile, Microservices Architecture


AWS Lambda,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker,区块链,亚马逊EC2, DigitalOcean


Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL


Software Design, Serverless, Back-end Development, API Integration, APIs, Full-stack, Front-end, Front-end Development, Responsive UI, Full-stack Development, User Interface (UI), API Gateways, AWS Cloud Development, Pagination, CTO, AWS Certified Solution Architect, Amplitude, Back-end, Relational Database Services (RDS), CI/CD Pipelines, WebSockets, User Experience (UX), Lambda Functions, Technical Leadership, Amazon RDS, Amazon Kinesis

2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

National Institute of Technology, Calicut - Kerala, India

MARCH 2022 - MARCH 2025

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate